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Semi-Finalist in the Female Pilot Club Script Call

The Female Pilot Club script call in 2022 inspired me to get off my arse and actually finish a 30 minute script. I missed the deadline (turns out I didn't get off my arse fast enough) but I did put it together the following year which turned into Facing Up. It's a script I'm really happy with, and when the competition rolled around again in 2023 I was ready to enter!

I didn't make it to the final but I did make it to the semi-finals, down to the last 30 scripts.

I would also like to recommend their podcast. I recently discovered Georgia Pritchett through one of their episodes and wish I'd discovered her 20 years ago. And made her be my friend. I'm not ruling out that I can't still track her down and <s>make her, coerce her, inviegle my way in,</s> see if she'd like to be friends.

I just finished listening to her memoir "My Mess is a Bit of a Life" I highly recommend it to dreaming screenwriters. It's beautiful, heartwarming and heartbreaking in equal measure, as well as laugh out loud. I found it inspiring. An encouraging account of how being honest about pursuing the things you love—even when it looks like the world is full of Statler and Waldorf critics—because you never know what life will throw at you.

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